(D)MV Based | Servicing Worldwide

BlackGirlScientist is a community of empowerment established for the encouragement, uplifting, presence and knowledge of women, young women and girls. We are BlackGirlScientist and proud of it! No matter your race, gender, or creed, we believe there is something in everyone that can identify with BlackGirlScientist.
BlackGirlScientist aims to provide…
Knowledge & Curiosity
Our aim is to make science simple, because it can be. Ever wonder what those chemicals mean on the back of your food label? Need a lab tutorial? How does science and engineering affect you on a daily basis? Why should you even care? BlackGirlScientist will hopefully educate and inspire which leads to empowerment. Check out our blog to learn more!
Encouragement & Uplifting
It can be hard out here for a BlackGirlScientist. We want to encourage and let girls and young women know that they can make it in fields of STEM. We are a community that uplifts and encourages during their career’s hardest and most amazing times. Through spotlights on women in STEM, practical career tips, in-person events, and more, we hope you are encouraged to know that you are never alone on this journey. Click here to view our Instagram page!
Presence & Outreach
Visible presence in the field is important. Do you need BlackGirlScientist for curated workshops, speaking engagements or want to tour a real life laboratory? Are you curious and want to know more about waste to energy, biofuels, renewable energy, or general science inquiries? Contact us!
Napoleon Hill once said, “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” Firsthand, we know the struggle of securing funding for higher education, and one thing we also know is that God always provides. BlackGirlScientist will always lift as we climb by offering scholarships to those who are in need. Click here for the latest scholarships!
Healthy doses of affirmation and pride are critical to sustaining morale. BlackGirlScientist is committed to creating dope merch so that our community can stay fly in and out of the lab. Purchase some sustainable gear to protect our environment while staying fly all at the same time. Part of the proceeds will go to a featured service group. Shop BGS ScienceMerch!
Environmental Sustainability Consultations
Here at BlackGirlScientist we believe that it only takes “One Small Thing” to make our environment more sustainable. If you are looking to make your home, business, or even lifestyle more environmentally friendly you can use our consultation services to help you make that transition! Contact us OR check out our e(co)Books !

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6

[Est. 2019]